—What is the most important quality for a writer to have?
K. DICK: A sense of indignation. As I said, science fiction was effective for so many years because it was a rebel art form. It wasn't accepted. The idea was to offend people. But not just with garbage. Just because something is offensive crap doesn't necessarily mean it's any good. But there is nothing else, really, for a writer to do. He must offend people if he's going to be effective. It's like someone once said about opera. "Stab a tenor and he sings." Stab a writer —or step on his toes— and he'll write. It's an automatic reflex reaction. A writer writes because it's his response to the world. It's a natural process, like respiration. But above all, a writer must have a capacity for indignation. The capacity for indignation is the most important thing for a creative person. Not the aesthetic capacity but the capacity for indignation. And especially indignation at the treatment afforded other people. It's like the trials of the dissidents that are going on now in Russia, or when you see a blind and deaf baby on TV like I did last night. To see some of the things that are going on in the world and to feel indignant, at God, at the Soviet Union, at the United States, at the military, that is the greatest capacity in the world. To see a blind and deaf baby and to feel anger, to feel fury, at the starving of children and the arrest of political dissidents. That is the basis of the writer.
K. DICK: A sense of indignation. As I said, science fiction was effective for so many years because it was a rebel art form. It wasn't accepted. The idea was to offend people. But not just with garbage. Just because something is offensive crap doesn't necessarily mean it's any good. But there is nothing else, really, for a writer to do. He must offend people if he's going to be effective. It's like someone once said about opera. "Stab a tenor and he sings." Stab a writer —or step on his toes— and he'll write. It's an automatic reflex reaction. A writer writes because it's his response to the world. It's a natural process, like respiration. But above all, a writer must have a capacity for indignation. The capacity for indignation is the most important thing for a creative person. Not the aesthetic capacity but the capacity for indignation. And especially indignation at the treatment afforded other people. It's like the trials of the dissidents that are going on now in Russia, or when you see a blind and deaf baby on TV like I did last night. To see some of the things that are going on in the world and to feel indignant, at God, at the Soviet Union, at the United States, at the military, that is the greatest capacity in the world. To see a blind and deaf baby and to feel anger, to feel fury, at the starving of children and the arrest of political dissidents. That is the basis of the writer.
5 comentarios:
A veces uno quisiera encontrar estampado (por otros) "el porqué escribimos" y encuentra cantinelas tan rebuscadas y clichés, y la verdad es que esa misma indignación, es la que me hace escribir. Una especie de ira que debe salir, porque te ha herido la vida y sin heridas, el tenor jamás canta hasta morir.
Amigo mío que bien me hace caer en su blog
Oh!, pero , amiga Kerida, qué grato es PARA MÌ hallarme con tu visita, una visita que nunca me decepciona, pues es una visita atenta, atenta a mis "bengalas", y sí, K. Dick entendía que el vuelo de la literatura, por más alto que se eleve, es o debe ser, también (y paradòjicamente), un vuelo/aterrizado: esa indignación da cuenta de ello.
Gracias por tus palabras, muchas gracias.
Sempre acertado mi estimado Kato. Reitero mi satisfacción al leer sobre la sabia indignación, como acto aterrizado, en la tierra de lo políticamente correcto.
Qué necesita o debe poseer un escritor?
Indignación y todo lo demás.
Más que gracias a ti, Naverísimo Kerido.
Para ti siempre mi abrazo grande.
ya lo decia lem, si el bueno de dicky hubiera tomado menos lisergienergetizantes...! a lo mejor obama resulta ser replicante y todo, o yo-yo...salud.
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